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Education Resources

Reading a Book

Books of Interest

Books have arisen as an important resource to learn more and support Black-owned businesses: Reading provides a valuable look at the past and an avenue for continued research when protests are no longer front-page news.


"A lot of people don't really know the history of why things are the way that they are," City of Los Angeles Director of Branch Library Services Chad Helton told USA TODAY. "What I would recommend is really looking into the scholarship of Black history. That way you can really understand how racism has manifested itself and how it's become structural and institutional. ... All of what is happening is connected to systemic and institutionalized racism."


Reed, A. and Yasharoff, H

USA TODAY, June 2, 2020

Movies & Videos

Sometimes reading isn't enough, so we have started compiling some video clips, long and short, that are available on YouTube. 


Movies that approach the topic of Race and Social Justice bring to life a taste of the reality of experience

Film Slate Marker
Session in Progress

Other Local Groups

The journey to greater understanding doesn't need to be done alone. Reach out to others that share your interest in racial justice. Let their experiences be yet another way to to learn and experience new perspectives.


Ready to be an activist? There are groups for that too. We have a list of local resources that can be your guide, or expose you to new ones.


Take your journey to the next level!


Image by Joshua Hoehne


The denial of justice and fair treatment by both individuals and institutions in many areas, including employment, education, housing, banking and political rights. Discrimination is an action that can follow prejudicial thinking.



The act of denying or refusing to acknowledge that people’s race and people’s lived experience in America because of their race differs. This is reflected in statements like, “I don’t see race,” I’m colorblind,” We are all equal,” and “But we’re all just one human race.”


Implicit Bias:

The unconscious attitudes, stereotypes, and the unintentional actions (positive or negative) towards members of a group merely because of their membership in that group. Those associations develop over the course of a lifetime through exposure to direct and indirect messages. When people are acting out of their implicit bias, they are not even aware that their actions are biased. In fact, those biases may be in direct conflict with a person’s explicit beliefs and values.



The result of implicit bias wherein a statement, action, or incident is indirectly or subtly (often unconsciously) reflective of prejudice. An example would be a person clutching their bag as they walk by a black man.



Prejudging or decision about a person or group of people without sufficient knowledge. Prejudicial thinking is frequently based on stereotypes.



Power + Prejudice = Racism. Racism describes the result of prejudicial attitudes being combined with the power to dominate and control the systems and institutions capable of carrying out discriminatory practices. In other words, racism results from access to the power to enforce prejudices so as to advantage one racial group.



An oversimplified generalization about a person or group of people without regard for individual differences. Even seemingly positive stereotypes that link to a person or group to a specific trait can have negative consequences.


Systemic Racism:

Policies and practices that exist throughout a whole society or organization, and that result in and support a continued unfair advantage to some people and unfair or harmful treatment of others based on race.


White Fragility:

The defensiveness and avoidance that arise for white people when facing even a minimal amount of racial stress. The feelings can be so uncomfortable that white people distance themselves from engaging or actively shut down conversations about race. It may surface as the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as augmentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation.


White Privilege:

The term for the way people and social institutions grant social privileges that benefit white people beyond what is commonly experienced by people of color under the social, political, or economic circumstances. White privilege is not something that white people necessarily do, create, or enjoy on purpose. It refers more to the phenomenon that social systems award preference based on the presumptions of white as norm.


Definitions assembled are adapted from the work of the Anti-Defamation League, Southern Poverty Law Center, Robin DiAngelo, and “White Privilege: Let’s Talk.”


© 2023 by Naomi Seiler for Pilgrim UCC, Grafton, WI created with

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